May I Ask You A Question?

Technology should work for you. But sometimes, it doesn’t. What’s one tech frustration – phone, email, social media accounts, computer, etc. – you wish could just work the way it should?
Looking back at my last few posts, it may sound like I know a lot. Certainly I want it to seem that way, that I have answers at my fingertips ready to respond with a tip or a suggestion.
Aren’t using a password manager today? And you’re probably not.
Aren’t using artificial intelligence? And you’re probably not.
One thing I have been wrestling with, though, since I embarked on my personal brand building work in late 2024, is exactly how I can help you and people like you. I know I have an affinity for personal technology. I know I love working with it and helping people use it better. But figuring out how to build that into a business? Calling it a bit of a conundrum would be a gross understatement.
Instead of continuing to curse the darkness, it’s time to light a candle. That’s why I am asking for your help. I’ve found that to usually be the first step on the road to figuring things out.
Here’s a proposition – bet you didn’t expect to be propositioned today – for you: whatever it is about personal technology or smart phones or social media or artificial intelligence or the inbox or you name it, whatever it is you’re curious about or want help figuring out, share it with me.
Share it in a comment here. Direct message me. Email me. Schedule time with me via Calendly. Text me on WhatsApp or Signal. Please use whichever channel you’re most comfortable with.
I may not have the answer right away. However, I will respond. You’ll be heard and I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to figure it out for you and with you.
What This Is Not
This is not a bait and switch. You’ll receive no sales pitch.
This is an open, no-strings-attached, genuine offer to help you navigate personal tech challenges for people I’m connected with in February 2025 who are on this journey with me. Many of you I’ve known for years if not decades, and some of you have just “met” me.
That doesn’t matter. What is important is how much you will help me, how much we’ll help each other, simply by sharing what it is you are trying to do or have thought about doing with personal technology which you haven’t figured out yet.
An Example
I don’t know everything. Nobody can. But I own when I err then set the record straight.
In an earlier post, I compared some of the popular password managers and recommended Bitwarden as the best all-around solution. In the post, I provided a chart which showed which features password managers do or do not provide.
I mistakenly indicated 1Password does not provide password history, but it actually does. Many thanks to Kevin Juliano for providing a link to the support article.
As the front page of my website says, let’s figure it out together. I look forward to hearing from you, helping you, and leaning into your feedback to reorient me or confirm I’m headed in the right direction.
So, what’s on your mind? Your question might just help someone else too.